Monday, March 23, 2015

God knows!

Psalm 38:9 (NLT) You know what I long for, Lord; you hear my every sigh.
What is that thing that you wish you had? God knows it! What is that problem that keeps you awake at night? God knows it!
You may ask, " If God knows my problems, why is He not doing anything about it?" There's a time and a season for everything under the sun.
A pregnant woman goes through seasons of vomiting, back aches, stomach aches and moodiness coupled with the pain of childbirth but with all that pain, she has to endure because she's going through a process that will ensure she gives birth to a healthy baby.
Beloved, you are going through a process, all that you are experiencing is to ensure you hold in your hands what you carry in your mind. It may not look like it, every woman will tell you that it always seemed impossible to push out their baby, it is the same way, it may not be making sense right now, you may not see anything to assure you but it will come to pass! God will grant your heart's desires and dry your tears.
Don't give up, don't give in, push out that baby, when it's the most painful is when the baby is almost out, when it's the darkest is when it's almost dawn. You will make it, you are not a failure, you will win!

‪#‎Thank ‪#‎you for reading, please make sure you share this Gospel of Jesus Christ so that others can be blessed just like you have been blessed. Follow @walejana on Twitter and Instagram

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